Weekly chemistry tutoring for high school class was great! Ava was always on time, always prepared, and helped us when we needed her most! Recommended in the highest possible terms!
The tutor is very cool. She explains very good with proper examples. I have enjoyed all of her classes. Definitely.
HiFive Tutoring did a great job with my daughter. She really motivated her . Thanks to them my daughter will be in advanced Math next year .
My daughter has really enjoyed being tutored by Ava in math. She was hesitant on the online tutoring at first, but now loves it. It is convenient and Ava really tries to accommodate the time that works for you. Ava is great in explaining the material at a level my daughter can understand. My daughter really enjoys her teaching style and feels more confident in the material after the sessions.
My son just recently started going to HiFive Tutoring for help with 7th grade Advanced Math. His confidence has increased and his grades are improving. My son told me that his tutor, Ansley, has 'sharpened' his math skills.
We had a very good experience with Abhi. She was always prepared and my boys really improved their ELA grades with her help. She is on time, flexible and caring. I strongly recommend her.
My tutor Abhisri was an exemplar tutor! This place provided one of the best services for tutoring than anywhere else that I have gone. The tutor cared about my success and was extremely easy to work with. She was able to boost my confidence and was extremely patient while I was learning. I recommend this place to everyone!
"Getting tutoring by HiFive Tutoring has helped me so much with physics. The class just doesn't click for me and I just need someone to walk me through it slowly and organize the formulas and thoughts and the tutor does that perfectly! I can go in ready to burst because I'm so frustrated and leave feeling like I'm going to get an A!"
HiFive Tutoring has wonderful and really helpful tutors. They helped me with my academics and study habits. They provide useful test taking strategies, study guides, and overall guidance. My grades really improved and my SAT score went up several hundred points with their help. They are extremely caring and invested as well. Totally worth it!
"The tutor was so knowledgeable with chemistry and can figure out the hardest problems you throw at her! It is so helpful and easy just to reserve a spot and go in the day of!"
"I highly recommend HiFive Tutoring because the tutor is a wonderful and kind person that positively motivates you as you learn. She is an extremely intelligent and capable individual that is committed to your success. The tutor is very focused and personally invests herself to make sure you have learned the materials and that you are fully prepared for the class. I completely recommend her for tutoring as she has a natural talent for teaching as well as encouraging academic success."
"We used HiFive Tutoring for Honors Chemistry. Our tutor was fantastic and did a great job preparing my son for the very challenging class. They were very easy to work with. Would definitely use them again!"
"HiFive Tutoring is excellent for SAT and math help. The tutor really helped me bring my grade up several points in math. Also, because of HiFiveTutoring, I was well prepared for my SAT. I was less nervous when taking my SAT and more confident! "
"HiFive Tutoring explained the math in a language my daughter could understand. She came away understanding it and with a study sheet for future use. HiFive Tutoring will be my daughter's go-to tutor from now on."
"HiFive Tutoring has been mentoring my son in Physics and has helped him tremendously. The tutor explains the subject matter very clearly and throughly. We will continue working with her. She has also tutored my younger son with Language Arts."
We have used HIFIVE Tutoring for the past 3 years in various subjects. They are patient and really explain the material in a way my kids can understand. They have helped with homework, understanding concepts, helping make study guides for tests and increasing confidence to mentally prepare for tests. I cannot say enough about how beneficial they are to both of my kids. AND very reasonable rates!
Great service! Kind tutors!
Awesome! We are very pleased with the tutor's work with our son. We are seeing great results and improvement in our son's grades. He is feeling more confident as a result of understanding by working with the tutor. Scheduling is easy and convenient. Times are convenient. Rates are very reasonable and paying is easy. The concept of having high school students as tutors is ingenious as my son is able to relate with his tutor and is more open to learning. Very happy parents!!!